Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Tablecloths!

Whoo hoo, this week has been busy. My MIL & I took a trip over to Jomar's in Philly, which, they're an awesome fabric store - and really great prices. I've needed some good table covers for a long time, I'd been using chopped up pieces of felt in a mix of black, brown, and tan - I umm...hated it, for lack of a better word.
So, I found this brown teddy bear kinda material, but it's still pretty light (not fur or anything) and it doesn't shed - plus I got this funky purple & green fabric for an accent. Long term idea is to have it pinned up and hanging from one of the walls, so I can put my prints, etc on there - but....that's going to take a bit more of ingenuity on my part, possibly even a bit of sewing, so it will just have to wait, until I learn to stop being so completely stupid with a sewing machine.
So - I'm putting 2 pics here to compare the difference, now that I have to the floor table coverings ---
Here's my booth at the Beach Plum Festival on Island Beach State Park last weekend (which was a great festival, btw) -
from the Front

And here's a pic from this weekend's Flea @ Kirby's Mill, normally I'm not big on Flea Markets, but I love Kirby's Mill & doing shows in Medford. Plus Holly from is a good friend of mine, and she was running the flea, it's always a fun day @ Kirby's Mill.
@ the Kirby's Mill Flea

I'm really happy with it, it makes a bigger difference than I even anticipated. It didn't cost all that much, either - Jomar's prices are fantastic, $3 and $4 a yard!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Crack Spider's Bitch

Please kids, stay off drugs - you don't want to end up a Crack Spider's Bitch, do you?

Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Spider Webs

Take Heed, oh, and visit my etsy shop, show me some love:

That is all,


Thursday, October 05, 2006

8 Months Old! ( & an unforseen rant)

Cornelius turned 8 months today, and I put a new photo set on my website - on the left is a little preview of that photo blog. I just love this picture, it's blurry and all, but I just love his face......he is so expressive. His eyes can say a thousand words.
I always knew I wanted to be a mom, before everything else that was my dream. Sure, I had idea's about out of home careers, but I was never quite sure how I'd manage the mom/outside career juggle, since I never wanted to put any of my children in day care. Especially after working at a daycare (even if it was only for a month) man, the things I saw there were awful! I could never take the chance that my child would be treated that way....that I'd pay for my child to be forced to sit in a dirty diaper until the next designated changing time - uh, no, I don't think so. I couldn't bear working there, watching those kids suffer and they weren't even my kids - I was actually told I was not allowed to change a 3 year old's diaper because - "diaper time was 15 minutes ago, he had a chance go go, and he didn't take it" yah - I quit like 2 days later.
So, here I am. Ya know - I had a complete thought when I started this post, but since I've began writing it - hubby came home - so, I took a break to spend time with him, since he's been at work all day and has a meeting at the firehouse tonight - so, we only had about 1.5 hours to spend together. Here's how the day went:
Hubby gets home
5 min later, he goes & picks up his friend from the firehouse up the street, cause he was in teh middle of mowing our lawn when a call went out & ran up there
5 min later return
10 min later fire call goes out, he leaves
later on he returns
5 min later said friend runs out of gas in teh lawnmower, him & Sean run out for gas
They return
less then 5 min later, another fire call goes off
Hubby leaves again.
It's now 5:30
He got home at 4, we've spent ZERO time together
He'll probably be home around 6, at which time, he'll be tutoring Julian for fire school, Julian will leave for school, and it'll be time for Sean to go to Union for the meeting.
He says he "should be home" by 9, which he never is - there will either be a call, or something monumentally insignifigant will be brought up at the meeting and they'll all whine about it for an extra two hours. OR they will keep up with the constant fire calls all night, and the meeting might get postponed til next Thursday, which will knock out another night together.

Now, I don't mind that he runs firecalls, he loves it, I love that he loves it
I also don't mind that he tutors Julian for EMT school, it refreshes his knowledge and helps out a nice kid in the meantime-
I just hate it when everything happens all at once, and I loose my hubby to it all.

Thankfully, I called Cheryl, so, she should be here by 7 and I'll at least have somebody to talk to - not that Neil's not great company, but he'll be asleep by 8:30 anyway hehe.

Ok well, I'll post more later on
